Welcome, Phil Mershon, the Director of Events for Social Media Examiner, inside the Greenroom! Phil Mershon leads Social Media Marketing World plus several online training events. Bringing a focus on transformational experiences and customer service, Phil has been leading events for churches, non-profits, and corporations for the last 30 years.
In this episode, Phil shares what it takes to run such an incredible event and the art of creating memorable moments. Experience is paramount – but so is revenue (events are expensive!) Phil and I dive into how to create more revenue streams at your event.
Want to be a speaker at Social Media Marketing World or a similar event? Then don’t miss this inside scoop! Phil shares what his vetting process looks like and the type of messaging he looks for.
For the first time ever, we reveal a “secret weapon.” Phil is the only person I’ve seen implement this at his events, and it’s very powerful.
2:45 Welcome, Phil inside the greenroom!
4:22 How Social Media Marketing World began
7:07 Avoiding burn out after your event
7:32The power of a C.M.P.
16:21Keeping audience leaning in
17:07Creating powerful moments
21:35Lessons you can learn from Phil
23:10 The revenue streams of S.M.M.W.
28:56How many stages you can win
31:21How to win Social Media Marketing World's stage
40:27One of the greatest secret weapons for speakers
47:30The speaker who has impacted Phil the most
48:50Phil's favorite up-and-comers
49:37How live events are so important
51:50Phi's most powerful moment inside a green room
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We want to hear from YOU! Have you been to an event that was amazing? Heard a speaker that inspired you? Know a Meeting Planner/Event Producer we should talk to? Or have a burning question you want us to ask? CLICK HERE and we will cover it on the show!