Welcome Don Shaffer, the Executive Director at CADA, inside the Greenroom! In this episode, we discuss the true meaning of a dream stage – from winning the stage to winning over the audience.
The California Association of Directors of Activities (CADA) is the largest statewide support network for Activities Directors in the nation. Their mission is to promote and support leadership development through student activities.
Don Shaffer has been the meeting planner for this event for 25 years, and it took me and my team a whopping 4 years to win his stage. BUT – it was worth it – the results were spectacular. The entire experience formed the foundation of a principle we use EVERY day today: A Dream Stage.
On this episode, I announce for the FIRST TIME EVER a Meeting Planner ONLY track at REACH Live – our annual event. And even better – IT’S FREE! Get all the details and apply for a spot here.
We also cover:
How to find the REAL decision-maker at an event, and how to connect with them.
Running 100 events a year: How they REALLY pull it off.
The keys to creating an unforgettable experience for your attendees.
Their Event Checklist: Before, during, and after the event.
Secrets to communicating so everyone has a great event experience!
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We want to hear from YOU! Have you been to an event that was amazing? Heard a speaker that inspired you? Know a Meeting Planner/Event Producer we should talk to? Or have a burning question you want us to ask? CLICK HERE and we will cover it on the show!